1.1 - What To Expect from the Class

Let's chat about what this class will look like.

For the first four weeks of the class we will meet on-site in the Student Center. The last six weeks will be held exclusively online to allow for the best possible completion rate. You can study when you have the time! Even though the first four weeks are in-person, there are extended lessons to complete to make sure you have a command of the material before we move on.

Each week there will be several short, bite-sized lessons to complete. Some lessons will have short videos, scripture passages, web articles, or various other materials. There is no "grade" on any of the "assignments", just you and the Lord completing each task. Don't worry, the lessons are very short and easily completed.

Occasionally, there will be Discussion items posted in the Stream to provoke thought, test knowledge, or stir up a conversation! When you see these pop up, engage with your thoughts and with other students. This will take the place of in-person discussion, but can be just as valuable. 

If you have questions about a topic, how to use Classroom, or anything at all, send me an email ord make comments on the lesson if it could benefit the entire class. We are here to serve you!

A few things you will need for this class:

  • Bible (paper and/or digital)
  • Blue Letter Bible App (or access via the website)
  • Pen
  • Highlighter (preferably Gel so it doesn't bleed through pages)
  • Journal / Spiral / Notebook
  • Phone (for the apps)
  • Computer for assignments (Optional. All assignments can be done on the phone app if you and your thumbs are still on speaking terms!)

I can't wait to walk with you on this journey! LET'S GOOOOO!

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