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Week 1 - Welcome and Setup (On-site)
1.0 - Welcome and Course Overview (1:55)
1.1 - What To Expect from the Class (3:41)
1.2 - Setting Up Your Account (4:49)
Week 2 - Study the Word (On-site)
2.0 Introduction to Week 2 (4:49)
2.1 The Importance of Bible Study (4:44)
2.2 Blue Letter Bible (4:43)
2.3 (2:53)
2.4 Bible Study Method Overview (5:28)
2.5 Textual Breakdown (9:02)
2.6 Observation (11:40)
2.7 Interpretation (29:47)
2.8 Application (5:44)
2.9 Reflect and Pray (5:39)
Week 3 - Knowing God (On-site)
3.0 - Introduction to Week 3
3.1 - The Importance of Knowing God
3.2 - Knowing God Through Jesus Christ
3.3 - Pursuing Wisdom and Understanding
3.4 - Growing in Grace and Knowledge
3.5 - Behold the Face of God
3.6 - From Bethel to Peniel – True Spiritual Maturity
Week 4: Loving and Serving Others
4.0 - Introduction to Week 4
4.1 - Taking the Focus Off of Me
4.2 - Placing the Focus on Others
4.3 - Loving Others by Imitating Jesus
4.4 - So Jesus Is Known
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3.4 - Growing in Grace and Knowledge
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